More about Gnosis
Gnosis is the Greek word for knowledge. The Gnosis Bible Study Curriculum is designed to help children of all ages (preschool through high school) grow in knowledge of and reverence for God through a systematic study of the Bible. To make it easier for parents to fulfill their responsibility to train up their children in the deeds and statutes of the Lord (Psalm 78:1-8), all children study the same passage and/or theme at an age-appropriate level. The weekly lesson can be taught at church during a Sunday School program or at home by the parents. There are accompanying weekly journals with daily readings related to the lesson theme to further develop biblical understanding and the habit of daily Bible study.
Gnosis Studies
Four separate year-long Curriculums covering both the Old and New Testaments.
In The Beginning
Old Testament Study
A study of creation and the beginning of human history covering the entire book of Genesis.
The Word Became Flesh
New Testament Study
A study of the life and teachings of Jesus covering
the entire book of Luke.
God's People and Promises
Old Testament Study
An overview of the history of the people of Israel covering selected passages from Genesis through Esther.
The Acts of the Apostles
New Testament Study
The history of the early church and the work of
the Holy Spirit covering the entire book of Acts.

The full four year Gnosis curriculum is written and the first year is being made available for use. Help us complete this amazing children's curriculum. Consider donating today.
If you have questions about the Gnosis curriculum,
please feel free to contact us at: