Christmas Gifts

The custom of giving gifts is a very old one. In ancient Rome before the birth of Christ, people would give gifts to one another in celebration of the New Year. Most of those were simple gifts of food. One of the reasons we think of giving gifts at Christmas is because the wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus. They brought gifts worthy of a king to honor Jesus’ birth.

            In Victorian England the giving of gifts was seen as an expression of kindness and accompanied by fun and games. Families would have cobweb parties in which a person would have to follow a string of colored yarn to find a present. They would also hide small gift treats in bowls of grain called a Christmas pie. Family members would take turns scooping out the grain with a spoon to find a treat.

            Over time the focus of Christmas has become gift-giving, rather than on Jesus. Every gift received at Christmas, except that of Jesus, is perishing, which means that it won’t last. We need  to remember that the greatest gift ever given was the baby in the manger, sent by the Father to save us from the power and consequences of our sin.

At Christmas many children
focus on the gifts they’ll get,
When Jesus says on others
our hearts are to be set.
The Bible says it’s better
to give than to receive.
Is that really something
you truly do believe?

All of us should think about
what to others we can give,
As considering others first
is a better way to live.
When we give to others
we bring honor to Christ’s name,
But when we focus on ourselves
our greed we will inflame.

Think about the wise men,
how to Christ each brought a gift.
And how to the God of heaven,
their eyes they did uplift.
They saw the star and set out
to find the new born king,
And so their royal gifts
to the Christ Child they did bring.

They followed that bright star
to a place they didn’t know,
And when they found the baby,
they were humbled and bowed low.
The gifts they gave to Jesus
showed him honor and respect.
On how good it is to give,
this should cause us to reflect.

At Christmas it’s a custom
to give and to receive;
That things will make us happy,
we should not believe.
It is really loving Jesus
and showing that through deeds,
Which will make us truly happy
and satisfy our needs.

All around the world
there are children really poor,
And those living in America
cert’nly don’t need more.
So instead of writing up a list
of things that you desire,
Think of things that you can give,
not what you can acquire.

Jesus’ example
of the way that we should give,
Was to show the way of truth
so a better life we’ll live.
He even gave his life
as a gift to all mankind.
It’s through his loving sacrifice,
salvation we can find.

So instead of piling presents
underneath the tree,
Give a gift from Jesus
so Christ other people see.
Every day think about
what honors God above,
And do an act of kindness,
which demonstrates Christ’s love.