Gentleness – Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We come before you with gratitude for all that you are, for all that you have given us, for your mercy and grace towards us, for your presence and faithfulness. You created us to reflect your image, and in doing so, to bring you glory. We confess to you that we fail to do this. Every day, we fall short.  In our words, our actions, and in our thoughts, we lift up ourselves and created things instead of you. Thank you for your unfailing patience with us. Thank you for your gentleness with our stubborn and rebellious hearts.

Once again, Jesus, we see in you what is most needed in our own lives and in the world. You tell us to learn from you for you are gentle and humble in heart. (Matthew 11:29)You modeled gentleness and humility while you lived here on earth. You have dealt gently with us in our sin and rebellion. Help us to learn from you and follow your example.

Gentleness is a soothing disposition and meekness from strength. We recognize that we need this, Jesus. So many people need a kind word, an act of compassion, a quiet voice of reason, a softly spoken encouragement, a tender touch. Help us, Jesus to be the peace makers. Help us to be mild mannered. Help us to be careful with our responses and interactions with others. Help us to be those who bring calm to the storms raging in this world.  

In Galatians 5, you tell us that gentleness is a fruit produced by the Spirit at work in our hearts. Father, we ask that your Spirit would develop and grow gentleness within us. We know that we cannot bear fruit if we are not connected to you, so we cling to you, Jesus. We look to you, Jesus.  By following closely in the steps of our Rabbi, we seek to emulate you. Show us when harshness and bitterness enter into our thoughts and help us to turn from them. Soften our hearts. Soften us so that we may reflect your gentleness and in doing so bring you glory.  


Ephesians 4:2 (click to read)