Foundation – Prayer

Lord God, you are the foundation of all things; the bedrock on which all things are built. The fact that people deny your existence doesn’t change the reality of who you are. There is no God besides you.   

Lord, our nation was founded on the principles of your existence and our accountability to you. All truth and rights reside in you. Because we believe something false doesn’t make it true. To be true it has to be grounded in reality and your word.

Lord, the foundational truths are being obscured by those who want to tear down and destroy. I pray that those of us who are called by your name would stand up and proclaim you regardless of what comes against us. May we defend truth and what is right and good and acknowledge you as Lord.

May we discern what is of you and what isn’t. May our eyes be steadfastly fixed on you and your truth. May we not be caught up in the deceptive ideas promoted by people who have an agenda to tear down and destroy the very foundations of our nation.

Lord, we pray that you would work in the hearts of government officials and politicians. We pray you would humble them and that they would recognize their need to submit to your authority. May their eyes be opened to see the path their ideas will take our nation down. May they recognize that good things will only come to our country as we put our faith in you and follow your way. Please reveal the folly of going our own way and our need to return to the wisdom of your word. Discipline us as you see fit so we turn back to you.


1 Timothy 2:1-8