Focus on You

Lord, it is so easy to get distracted and be led off course. Enable us to keep our focus on you and what is of eternal value. Keep us, please, from turning our eyes to worthless pursuits.

Lord, we know this world is full of suffering and pain. You have told us that following you will come at a cost. Thank you that no matter what transpires, you are with us and will carry us through. May we suffer with grace and courage and be a reflection of you to the world.

Lord, we recognize that without suffering we would never mature and become complete in you. We also know that without your Spirit living in us we would not be able to endure. Fill us please so that we are faithful in the midst of whatever comes our way.

Thank you that we have a future and hope in you. Thank you that this world is not all there is, but that we have eternity to look forward to. In heaven there will be no suffering or pain, just a continual state of perfection in you.

Lord, I acknowledge that I have no real understanding of what heaven will be like; it is beyond my ability to understand. I just know that I will be in your continual presence and that will be enough. I pray that when I come to you, you will say, “Well done good and faithful servant,” because I remained steadfast and suffered well in a way that brought honor to you.

Strengthen us Lord for the challenges that lie ahead. May we suffer well and in do so bring you honor and glory. May our focus be on the outcome, looking ahead to the reward that awaits us. May we not hold on to the things of this world but truly abide in you and our future hope.

Praise your holy name Lord God. You are good.


Romans 8:18-38