Fill Us – Prayer

Lord, we thank you for your promise to fill us with your peace that surpasses all understanding. What a great gift you want to give us! Help us to understand that when we don’t experience your peace there is something in us that needs to be uncovered and dealt with.

Thank you that you promise us your peace when we come to you with Thanksgiving to present our requests. Enable us to be grateful in all circumstances by keeping our eyes on you and your character. Remind us that regardless of what is going on around us, you are still God. You are faithful and good and will accomplish your purposes. May we submit our will and desires to your will and abide in your peace.

Thank you that you cause all things to work together for our good when we love you and are submitted to you. We know that all things aren’t good, but when we yield ourselves to you, you work things together for our good. That is a great gift and we are grateful for it.

Lord, when we are separated from your peace help us to uncover what is wrong in our own hearts and not blame others or our circumstances for our discontent. May we recognize that a lack of peace means we are separated from you and need to uncover our sin and be made right by you. Thank you for restoring your peace when we are in right relationship with you.

Lord, you also tell us that as far as it depends upon us to live at peace with everyone. We know that to live at peace we need to be filled with your peace. Lord, a world at peace will only occur when each heart is yielded to your lordship. Please do a work in each of us and our nation so that we recognize you and your authority over us and put ourselves under you. You are good and right actions come from relating rightly to you. Purify and restore us we pray.


John 14:25-27