Fathers – Prayer

Lord, as this is a day set aside to honor fathers, we want to thank you for your good design for the family. Thank you that you created man and woman in your image and that when joined together in you they reflect you more fully.

Thank you for the roles you gave fathers and mothers to fulfill in the family and that each is necessary and beneficial. We pray for fathers everywhere that they would lead their families well and see their need to submit to your authority and truth. We pray that they would see that they will be held accountable to you for the spiritual health of their families and that they take that responsibility seriously. May the fathers who are called by your name truly be a model of your love, understanding and goodness.

Lord, we pray for young people who don’t have fathers in their homes that you would bring godly mentors and role models into their lives. We pray that they would know you as their heavenly Father and want to live lives that are pleasing to you.

We pray for people who don’t think a father is necessary in a child’s life to see the negative impact that being fatherless has on a child. We pray that you would work in the hearts of women to see and appreciate the value of male leadership in a family.

Lord, we pray that we would recognize that the health of our nation depends on the health of the family. We pray that young people would see the value of a marriage between a man and a woman and want to live according to your good design and plan. Lord, we need you to work in us so we want what you want, live in a way that pleases and honors you and brings blessing to us and our families.


Matthew 19:1-12 (click to read)