Far Off – Prayer

Lord, sometimes it feels like you are far off and we are going through the struggles of life on our own. We thank you Lord that even in the times when we don’t feel your presence, you are there. We thank you that you are always faithful and are ordering the circumstances of our lives for our benefit.

We thank you that as our loving heavenly father you discipline us to conform us to your will and what is good and right. We thank you that you never allow us to be content in our sin and separated from you. We pray that when we experience the absence of your peace and presence we will examine our hearts to uncover whatever we are believing or doing that separates us from your goodness.

Thank you for your faithfulness to see us through all things. Thank you for your love that is never-ending and only wants what is best for us. Thank you that we are your children and that your desire is to guide us into all truth so that life will go well for us.

Lord, may we humble ourselves before you and trust in your goodness and not our own. May our hearts be full of gratitude for who you are and all you do for us. May we want you above all else and submit to your truth and your ways.

Lord, we acknowledge that apart from you we have no good thing. We pray that the absence of your presence would cause us to seek you more and die to our selfish desires and inclinations. May your good work be done in us for your glory and honor. May pleasing you be our pursuit. 


Psalm 60:1-5 (click to read)

One comment

  1. Thanks Marty—just what I needed today to help heal some emotional upsets from yesterday.

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