Fallen, Broken and Unholy

Lord, you are holy, perfect, and the author of truth and life. We are fallen, broken, and unholy. Lord, may we truly see you for who you are and ourselves for who we are. May we not think too highly of ourselves, but humbly bow before your majesty.

Thank you, Lord that you created us in your image to reflect your person and character. May our pursuit in life be to reflect you more and to bring you honor and glory. May we see clearly that apart from you we have nothing and are nothing.

We live in a time when so many people have turned their backs on you. They can’t see who you are, even though the evidence is all around them. They suppress the truth of your existence so they can follow their own futile imaginations to their own destruction. Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to open eyes to see you. Please lift the veil that keeps people from seeing clearly who you are.

Lord, our denial of you leads us down every destructive path. What we think of as freedom to do what we want ends up enslaving us to our evil desires, which will break us down and destroy us. Enable us to see the outcome of what we believe and do. May we want what is good and holy and will bless and benefit us instead of freedom to do every vile thing.

Lord, we know you grieve for the state of the world. We know the desire of your heart is to bring us to yourself so we experience the blessing of a relationship with you. Lord God, you don’t want anyone to perish; you want all people to come back into a right relationship with you.

Oh God, I pray that your work be done in our hearts so we want what you want. I pray that we would see our need for restoration. I thank you for the way that you have made restoration possible. Thank you Jesus for giving your life to redeem ours so we can draw close to the Father and reflect his image in our lives.


Isaiah 55:6-13