Faithful – Prayer

Lord, you are faithful and have called us to be faithful. Show us, O Lord, what that looks like. Make us a model of your faithfulness.

When those around us revile and mock us, enable us to respond with love and mercy. May the actions of others not dictate our response to them. You are merciful and kind to us in spite of our rebellion against you. May we be evermore like you.

When people go their own way and do things that break your heart, your desire is to bring them back into a right relationship with you. You don’t desire for anyone to perish. May we too see the humanity of each person, even as they do despicable things. May we want the redemption of each person even as they seem unredeemable. May we have a heart of compassion for their lostness, remembering how you extended mercy to us in our lostness.

Lord, you are long-suffering. It is hard to fathom why you have put up with us and our rejection of you and your truth. Your heart continually yearns for us, even when we have turned our back on you. Thank you for your never-ending love. Thank you for not giving up on us.

Lord, may we love others as you have loved us. May we continue to pray for and reach out to those who have rejected you and therefore us. May we be like you and return good for evil. Use us Lord we pray to open the eyes of those who don’t know you to the majesty of who you are. May we reflect you more perfectly in every circumstance we find ourselves in. May we be faithful to you through all things. Thank you Lord that you want to do that work in us. We yield ourselves to you Lord for your work to be done in us.


Psalm 25:1-22