Eyes Off Ourselves – Prayer

Lord, we come humbly before you, asking you to enable us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on you and your majesty. We know our problems result from thinking we are more than we really are. We acknowledge that we are sinners in need of a savior. Lord enable us to see that it is impossible for us to be righteous on our own apart from you. Help us to understand fully that our ugly self-righteousness and pride separate us from you and others.

Lord, we understand that above all else you want to make us righteous so we can abide with you and experience the fullness of your love and kindness. May we take the focus off self and see how much we need you. May we stop striving to be and do good on our own and see that it is only through you that we will be made right.

Lord, we see the destruction that occurs when we think we are righteous on our own apart from you. Lord, we all need you. None of us is righteous. May our eyes be open to see our own sin and the destruction it causes in our own lives and the lives of others.

Thank you God that you have not punished us as our sins deserve, but instead sent your Son to pay the penalty for them. Thank you that through the gift of your Son we have gained entrance into your presence.  May we appreciate all that has been done for us and the immense price that was paid for our redemption.

Lord God, with humble hearts and gratitude may we bow before you. May your Holy Spirit do a good work in us and purify us from all unrighteousness. May your will be done in and through us as we die to self and come alive in you. Thank you for the grace you have shown us and may we submit more fully to you.


Ephesians 2:1-10 (Click to Read)