Enable Us

Lord, in this time of darkness and confusion enable us to live rightly with you and others. Purify our hearts so we want what is good and right and treat others in a way that brings honor and glory to you.

May the words that come out of our mouths truly be edifying and beneficial to others. We know that will only be the case as we give ourselves over to your Spirit to make us right. The words that come out of our mouth proceed from our heart. Good speech only comes from a good heart.

Lord, may we examine the fruit of our lives to uncover what lies within us. May we see bad fruit for what it is and not try to hide or justify it. May we not be blind to our own sin but instead uncover and confess it. Thank you, Lord, that as we uncover our sin you are faithful to cover it with your forgiveness.

Help us Lord as a society to uncover our corporate sin and want to be made right. Help us to see that we will never be right apart from submission to you and your truth. Lord, righteousness will never come about through our own efforts. There will never be utopia on earth until you user in your new kingdom.

Lord, may we learn from the mistakes of others and not judge them for what they did wrong. May we be aware that we don’t see our own hypocrisy. May we see whatever we accuse others of doing, we are guilty of doing in some way.

Thank you, Lord, that in you we have the hope of forgiveness and regeneration. Thank you that you want to make all things new in you. Thank you that you cleanse our heart and restore our relationship both with you and with others. Thank you that restoration and redemption is the reason that you came to earth to live and die. Lord, may your eternal work be done in us so that we can abide with you now and forever.


Matthew 12:33-37