Empty – Prayer

Lord, it is sad to live in a time where the souls of people are so empty because they have rejected you.  Though evidence of you is all around us, people choose to deny your existence and believe and follow lies to their own detriment.

Lord, we recognize that every good thing comes from you and that the fear of you is the beginning of wisdom. Thank you, Lord, that when we recognize who you are and our accountability to you, it causes us to seek you and go your way. Please help us understand more fully that no good thing comes from rebelling against you.

Lord, we pray that the emptiness of their souls would cause many to seek you. We pray that people would see that there is no satisfaction or contentment in life apart from you. Thank you that you desire us to know you. We pray that you would look upon us with favor as we humble ourselves and seek to obey and follow you.

Lord, no change in government is ever going to make people right. Each one of us needs a change of heart so we submit to you and want to do what is right to do. Help us to see that we will never related rightly to others without first relating rightly to you.

Reveal yourself to our nation. Cause us to see the depth of our depravity as we separate ourselves from you and your truth and go our own way. We are in desperate need of a work of your Spirit convicting us of sin and showing us our need for you.

Thank you Jesus that you came to redeem us, cleanse us, and enable us to come into a right relationship with our Heavenly Father. May we lay our lives at your feet and be made right by you.


Romans 1:18-32 (Click to Read)