Doing Good

Lord, may our focus not be on doing well in life but rather on doing good. May our minds be set on you and filled with your truth so we know what is right to do and do it. May we be filled with courage and conviction so we say and do what needs to be said and done. 

Lord, develop in us strength of character so that we respond rightly in difficult situations. May we stand up for truth even at great personal cost. May we keep our eyes focused on what is eternal and hold lightly to what is temporal and fleeting. May we choose the difficult path of your righteousness rather than the easy path of conformity to the world.

Lord, may we seek to do what’s right in your eyes, not what is right in the eyes of other people. May our thoughts, words, and actions be pleasing to you and have an edifying effect on others. May we always keep in mind you and your truth.

Lord, when we are afraid may we recognize that strength and courage come from you. May we see that you give us everything we need for life and godliness through drawing close to you and knowing and loving you more. Thank you that you are our source of both physical and eternal life. May we draw ever closer to you so we choose rightly what to do in every situation.

Lord, may our actions reveal who you are and the work you are doing in us. May our faith be shown through our words and deeds. May we be faithful as you are faithful. May we love sacrificially as you have love us. May we be lights that shine brightly in a very dark world. Thank you Lord for working in and through us.


Philippians 1:18b-30