Love is – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you desire for us to love one another and live in unity with each other. Thank you that we can do that as we submit to you and are filled with your love. You tell us that as far as it depends upon us to live at peace with others. We recognize that is an impossibility unless we are one with you so that your love flows into and out of us.

Thank you Jesus that through your life we can understand what it means to live at peace and think of others more than ourselves. Thank you that we can learn to love sacrificially as you love us. You say that people will know we are yours by the way we love one another. May that truly be a reality in our lives.

May we understand fully that love is an action, not an emotion, and effectively live a life of love. As love is patient, may we not push ahead on our own apart from you and try to achieve our own agenda. As love is kind, may we treat others as we want to be treated. As love does not envy, may we be content with what you have given us. As love is not proud, may we have a right view of ourselves and others.

Thank you that love always rejoices with the truth. May we speak the truth about who you are in love. May we stand strong in your truth and not waver in the face of opposition. May we live out your truth and love in every aspect of our lives so that others see your wisdom and goodness.

Thank you God that you are love and that we can abide in the love you have for us and share it with others by your grace.


1 John 4:7-12 (click to read)