Christ’s Sacrifice

We remember Christ’s sacrifice every Sunday with communion, so that communion does not just become a Christian ritual, it is just as important to “remember” why it was necessary.  Christ said “do this in remembrance of me.”   Well, what about Christ are we suppose to remember? Are we suppose to “remember” him like we remember friends and family? If so, then he would not have used the bread and wine to illustrate his broken body and spilled blood.  Ok, fine we remember that he died on the Cross for my sins. Good, but Why? 

As we head into Good Friday and Easter I want to encourage you to read and reflect on Hebrews Chapter 9 and 10:1-18.  Read it slowly and deliberately. 

Easter is a time of celebration for Christians, as it should be since our debts have been paid on the Cross.  But sometimes I think we can loss sight of why the Cross was necessary.  Sure we can all recite the Christian answer that “yes the Cross was necessary,” but:
Why was the Cross necessary?

Why didn’t God just forgive and forget without the Cross?     

Why did God require the shedding of blood? Heb 9:7, 12   

Why is the blood of Christ (as opposed to blood of animals) required for our sins? Heb 9:12, Heb 10:4

Why is the blood of Christ sufficient? Heb 10:10

Why is sin so serious to God?   

Why does God see us as perfect already even though we are not yet perfect? Heb 10:14

Why is it important to understand and believe that Christ’s sacrifice was final? Heb 10:18

These are all big questions that we need to meditate over.  
I hope this exercise brings you into a deeper worship and appreciation of God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice for us.