Christmas Lights

The custom of hanging lights on Christmas trees is attributed to Martin Luther, a German who was the father of the Protestant Reformation. It is said that as he walked through the snowy woods on a starlit night he felt the presence of God in a special way and wanted to recreate the sense of beauty and peace inside his home. This led him to hang lighted candles on a tree. The custom spread throughout Germany and was later brought to the United States.  Hanging lighted candles on a tree is a great fire hazard and many houses burned down and people died because of this custom.

            After Thomas Edison developed the light bulb in 1879, one of his employees, Edward Johnson, thought it could be used to light up a Christmas tree. Johnson made a string of 80 small colored light bulbs and hung them on his family’s tree, producing a spectacular sight. People walking by his house would stop and stare through the window. At that time very few people had electricity in their homes.

            For a long time strings of Christmas tree lights were so expensive that they were only used in stores and in the houses of the very wealthy. After WWI prices for strings of lights dropped and more people began to use them on their Christmas trees. Hanging outside lights really became popular after WWII. Now they are seen everywhere at Christmas, in homes, stores and outside displays.

            Jesus called himself the “Light of the World” (John 8:12) as he leads people out of darkness into understanding and God’s light. As Christians we are called to reflect his light in a dark world.

At Christmas lights on houses
shine brightly in the night,
Reminding us that Jesus came
to earth to bring us light.
The Son of God was born
to guide us in his way,
To lead us out of darkness
so the Father we’d obey.

Without the light of Jesus,
we can’t clearly see.
We follow after sin.
We need to be set free.
The Light of Life came down
to reveal to us what’s true.
We need the light of Jesus
to show what’s right to do.

At the time of Jesus’ birth,
a star lit up the night.
The wise men were attracted
to its amazing light.
They thought it was a sign
that God had sent a gift,
And so to the God of heaven
their eyes they did uplift.

They sought to understand
what that special star did mean,
So they studied ancient documents
so insight they could glean.
Ancient Jewish prophecy
had said a star would rise.
Their search for understanding
is what did make them wise.

God had said through ancient prophets
that a savior he would send,
To bring light into a dark world,
and sinful hearts to mend.
The wise men came to understand
the star led to a king.
They knew that they should find him
and royal gifts should bring.

That star it shone so brightly;
it lit up the night,
Leading them through darkness
towards Jesus’ glorious light.
And when they got to Jesus
they laid their gifts down on the ground.
Their hearts were full of gladness,
that the Light of Life they’d found.

So make certain that at Christmas
you look to God above,
Thanking him for Jesus,
his gracious gift of love.
To bring men out of darkness,
God sent his gift of light.
The baby in the manger
came to earth to make men right.

Each person needs a Savior
to break the bond of sin.
Jesus is the Light of Life,
he dispels the darkness that’s within.
So look to Christ for wisdom
and let him light your way,
So the Father you’ll see clearly
and will follow and obey.