Our Provision

Lord, may we continually be aware of where our provision comes from. May we be aware of your sustaining grace in our lives. May we recognize that whatever good thing we have comes from your hands, not our own. May…
Why ideas matter.
Why ideas matter.
Lord, may we continually be aware of where our provision comes from. May we be aware of your sustaining grace in our lives. May we recognize that whatever good thing we have comes from your hands, not our own. May…
Lord, we thank you that what people mean for evil you take and turn for good. We don’t understand your workings but we know you are good and want what is best for us. We know that you hold the…
Lord, it is obvious that the inclination of the human heart is towards evil. Once we reject you there is nothing we won’t do and approve of. Without you, we have no standard of what is right and what is…
Lord, sometimes when I see the things I do I wonder how I can be so petty and selfish. The times when I do see myself make me wonder how often I fail to see myself as I really am.…
Lord, as we hear hateful things said about our country, may we reflect on what it truly means to be a patriot, support our nation and defend it against all enemies. May we understand that the character of our country…
Lord, on this day we remember the tragedy that struck our land and the lives that were lost when the Twin Towers collapsed. Thank you for the first responders who gave their lives to try to rescue others. Thank you…
Oh Lord, may reason and sound judgement prevail in our society. May we as a people stop calling what is bad good, what is dark light and what is bitter sweet. May we recognize that you have instituted a standard…
Lord, as we rest from our work on the Labor Day, let us remember what is truly the important work in life that will last for all eternity. Let us fix our eyes on you and pursue what has lasting…
Lord Jesus, thank you for the joy that fills our life when we come to know you. Thank you for the fact that it does not depend on our circumstances and is not the same as happiness. You tell us…
Lord, you tell us to be on our guard against greed and not to covet what hasn’t been given to us. May we recognize that life and all that we have to enjoy it is a gift from you and…