The Candy Cane

Legends surrounding the origin of the candy cane are many and the question as to whether or not they are true does not lessen its role as a teaching tool to use at Christmas.             Hard candy has been around…

Christmas Bread and Cookies

            Baking as a holiday tradition has been around a long time.  Many people in different cultures make special breads, cookies, or candies that are only associated with the celebration of Christmas.  Family recipes are often handed down as part…

Christmas Bells

Bells originated in Asia and have been used all over the world to signal important events. For over 500 years, bells have been used to call Christians to worship. At Christmas, ringing bells are a reminder of the importance of…


Angels are faithful messengers of God.  A host of angels were the ones who announced Christ’s birth to the shepherds out in the field.  The angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that she had been favored by God and…