The Body – Prayer

Jesus, work in your body the church and make us one with you, as you and the Father are one. May we be brought to complete unity in you. May your Spirit and your truth unite us and may we accept one another as you accept us.

Lord, we know in you that there is only one body. You don’t look at us differently because of the color of our skin. You look into the heart and see what is there. May our hearts be so aligned with yours that there is no division among us.

May your truth and your Spirit fill our minds and guide our actions. May being one with you and fellow believers be what we pursue. May we die to self and come alive in you so that we dwell in harmony with one another.

Thank you, Lord that no matter our circumstances, life is good when we dwell with you. Thank you that when we abide with you we don’t take offense at what others do or don’t do. Thank you that in your presence we can live in peace and harmony with others.   

Help us to see Lord that when there is conflict and disharmony the only way to make things right is to seek you and draw closer to you. When your Sprit is at work in us, we will treat others rightly and walk in unity with one another.

May your church around the world be united as one in you. May the love we have for one another reflect your love. Through your work in us, may we share your love with others. May people see that our hope for peace and unity only comes through being united with you. Bring us to yourself and make yourself known through us.


John 17:20-26