Walking In Wisdom

One of the great gifts God gave to Richard and me was a hunger for his word so we would study it and know how we were to live. That desire was born out of making many mistakes in our…
Why ideas matter.
Why ideas matter.
One of the great gifts God gave to Richard and me was a hunger for his word so we would study it and know how we were to live. That desire was born out of making many mistakes in our…
Sharing the Word of God and surfing were my husband’s two great passions. One we had in common and the other not at all. When I asked him how a surfing session went he would sometimes say, “The waves weren’t…
T’were the days before Christmas and all through the earth, Santa Claus superseded the awe of Christ’s birth. Strings of colorful lights hung round most doors, And enticing merchandise filled all the stores. As the seasonal music flowed through the…
Holly has traditionally been used to make Christmas wreaths. Some believe the wreath was originally a symbol of the crown of thorns Jesus wore when he was crucified. There is a legend that the crown of thorns was wound with…
The origin of the custom of setting up a Christmas tree is usually associated with Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation who lived in Germany. The legend is that Martin Luther saw ice sparkling on a tree in…
St. Nicholas was born in Asia Minor in the fourth century A.D. He was from a wealthy family and became a bishop who was known for his great compassion and generosity. Stories of Nicholas and his kindness spread all over…
The star figures prominently in Christmas decorations and is often used to top a Christmas tree. The star is associated with the Magi who were men from a country to the east of Judea who studied the heavens and recognized…
The custom of giving gifts is a very old one. In ancient Rome before the birth of Christ, people would give gifts to one another in celebration of the New Year. Most of those were simple gifts of food. One…
The poinsettia, or in Spanish “la flor de la Noche Buena” (flower of the Holy Night), was brought to this country by Dr. Joel Poinsett who was the American ambassador to Mexico from 1825-1829. The flower was named after him and…
The origin of the nativity or manger scene is credited to St. Francis of Assisi. Francis was born the son of a wealthy cloth merchant in Assisi of Italy in 1182 and as such lived a life of privilege. As…