Greater Love – Prayer

Lord, greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friend. Thank you Jesus that we have no greater friend than you because you gave your perfect life to redeem our pathetic, sinful ones.…

Eyes Off Ourselves – Prayer

Lord, we come humbly before you, asking you to enable us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on you and your majesty. We know our problems result from thinking we are more than we really are. We…

Understand – Prayer

Lord, bring your light to our land so that each of us would see ourselves for who we are, sinners in need of a savior. May we see that none of us is righteous. May we recognize that we have…

4th of July – Prayer

On this 4th of July we thank you Lord that Founders of our nation looked to your word to understand the principles of good government. We thank you that they understood that all people were created by you and have…

Relationships – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you have designed us to live within relationships, first with you, but also with other people. Thank you that when we recognize our need for you, you dwell with us and lead us along your path…

Value – Prayer

Thank you Lord that value of each one of our lives lies in the fact that you created us in your image. You granted each of us life so we could fulfill your purposes and bring you honor and glory.…

Teach Us – Prayer

Lord, teach us to love and follow your truth. May your word fill our minds and direct our steps. May our view of the world be order by the reality of who you are and what you say is good.…

Open Our Eyes – Prayer

Lord, please open our eyes so we see the deceptive ideas and lies of the world that would take us away from you and your truth. Please help us see clearly that the result of our lives is a consequence…