Marty Elwell

Marty Elwell

Your Heart – Prayer

Lord, please fill my life with your presence. Enable me to see with your eyes and to love with your heart. May I take my focus off myself and put it on you. May the desire of my heart be…

The Grace – Prayer

Lord, thank you for the grace that you extend to us. I know that I really deserve your wrath and disdain for my rebellion against you, but instead you extend to me grace and mercy. I pray that seeing your…

Righteous and Good – Prayer

Lord, you alone are righteous and good. When we try to be righteous and good on our own apart from you, we end up trampling all over other people in our self-righteousness. It is only through humility in seeing ourselves…

Patient and Forgiving

Lord, I mess up so much. I thank you that you are patient and forgiving. Thank you for your promise to cause all things to work together for my good because I love you and am called according to your…

Isn’t about Us – Prayer

Lord, help us to understand more fully that life isn’t about us, it is about you. Help us to know that we weren’t created to fulfill our purposes but to fulfill yours. Help us to recognize that when we live…

Life – Prayer

Thank you Lord for the abundance of life you came to give us. Thank you that when we set our eyes on you we have all that we need and are fully satisfied. Help us to see when we are…

Struggles – Prayer

Lord, forgive me for my petty self-focus, thinking that everything should be easy and life have no struggles. I know that struggles cause me to seek you and to recognize that I am not you and can’t control the events…

Holy Spirit – Prayer

Lord God, we want to thank you that you have not left us alone but have given us your Holy Spirit to fill us and lead us in your way. Thank you that through the power of your Spirit in…

Content – Prayer

Lord, we all want things that we can’t have. Help us to learn to be content with our lot in life and not covet what hasn’t been given to us. We recognize that covetousness causes us to break other commandments.…

Fill Us – Prayer

Lord, we thank you for your promise to fill us with your peace that surpasses all understanding. What a great gift you want to give us! Help us to understand that when we don’t experience your peace there is something…