Marty Elwell

Marty Elwell

Doing Good

Lord, may our focus not be on doing well in life but rather on doing good. May our minds be set on you and filled with your truth so we know what is right to do and do it. May…

Focus on You

Lord, it is so easy to get distracted and be led off course. Enable us to keep our focus on you and what is of eternal value. Keep us, please, from turning our eyes to worthless pursuits. Lord, we know…

You Are God – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you are the God of all peace and are with us in everything. Thank you that you are sovereign and all the universe is in your hands. Thank you that we can rest in you and…

Considerate – Prayer

Lord, help me to understand what it truly means to be considerate of others and put their needs above my own. May I recognize the little things I do that reveal I am thinking more of myself than of others.…

Mercy – Prayer

Lord, you didn’t come into the world to condemn it, but rather to save it. We deserve condemnation but you have extended us mercy because you are kind and good. May kindness be the way we relate to others. May…

The Body – Prayer

Jesus, work in your body the church and make us one with you, as you and the Father are one. May we be brought to complete unity in you. May your Spirit and your truth unite us and may we…

Stronghold – Prayer

Lord, thank you that you are a stronghold in times of trouble. Though the world may come against us and beat us down, you Lord will never fail. May we stand steadfast and courageous in you. In the midst of…

Foundation – Prayer

Lord God, you are the foundation of all things; the bedrock on which all things are built. The fact that people deny your existence doesn’t change the reality of who you are. There is no God besides you.    Lord,…

Set Us Free – Prayer

Lord Jesus, you came to set us free from the law of sin and death. You came to give us freedom so we can live rightly and love others as you would have us. Why Lord do we so easily…

Imperfect – Prayer

Lord, enable us to see what is real, that we are an imperfect people serving a perfect God. Open our eyes to see our own imperfections, so we stop pointing the finger at others for theirs. Cause us to recognize…