Marty Elwell

Marty Elwell

Society – Prayer

Oh Lord, may reason and sound judgement prevail in our society. May we as a people stop calling what is bad good, what is dark light and what is bitter sweet. May we recognize that you have instituted a standard…

Labor Day

Lord, as we rest from our work on the Labor Day, let us remember what is truly the important work in life that will last for all eternity. Let us fix our eyes on you and pursue what has lasting…


Lord Jesus, thank you for the joy that fills our life when we come to know you. Thank you for the fact that it does not depend on our circumstances and is not the same as happiness. You tell us…


Lord, you tell us to be on our guard against greed and not to covet what hasn’t been given to us. May we recognize that life and all that we have to enjoy it is a gift from you and…

You Are Lord

Oh God, what does it mean that you are Lord? We humans are your creation and therefore belong to you and are under your authority. That means we are answerable to you and you alone. We are not the masters…


Lord, reveal to us our own hypocrisy that we want justice for what other people do wrong to us, but mercy for what we do wrong to them. Lord, make us aware of the need to examine our own actions…

A Right and Good Path

Lord, the only thing that will keep us on a right and good path is an adherence to you and your truth. Our understanding is so fallible that if we trust in it we will be led down destructive paths.…

Faithful – Prayer

beach birds calm clouds

Lord, you are faithful and have called us to be faithful. Show us, O Lord, what that looks like. Make us a model of your faithfulness. When those around us revile and mock us, enable us to respond with love…

Your Word is Truth

Thank you Lord that you are our rock of our salvation and that your word is truth. Thank you that we can stand steadfast in you when we rely upon you and your word. Thank you that in your word…

You Are – Prayer

Oh Lord, you are holy and righteous, merciful and kind. You have loved us with a never-ending love, even though in our rebellion against you we are undeserving.  Oh Lord, we pray that we would become more like you and…