Marty Elwell

Marty Elwell


Lord, on the eve of Halloween may we recognize how dangerous it is to flirt with evil and to elevate dark things and ideas. What we desire and pursue reveals what lies in our hearts. Pirates, skeletons, and ghosts are…

Actions Are Born

Lord, our actions are born out of the ideas we believe, the thoughts we hold on to and play in our mind. Thank you that you have laid out in your word what are right and true ideas. Thank you…

You Didn’t Give Up On Me

Thank you for taking this poor, lost, hopeless sinner and giving her life. Thank you that you didn’t give up on me when I rejected you and walked in unhealthy, destructive ways, Thank you for watching over me even when…

Fallen, Broken and Unholy

Lord, you are holy, perfect, and the author of truth and life. We are fallen, broken, and unholy. Lord, may we truly see you for who you are and ourselves for who we are. May we not think too highly…

The Next Generation

Lord, we lift up the next generation of children and put them in your hands for your work to be done in their hearts and minds. We know that only a few of them are being trained in your truth,…

A Higher Standard

Lord, one of your commandments from the Old Testament is “Do not murder,” but in the New Testament you give us a higher standard to live by. You tell us that if we just disparage our brethren and their humanity…

Shine Upon Us

Lord, may your light shine upon us so we see your truth and the goodness of walking in your way. May we acknowledge who you are and who we are in comparison. We are nothing and have nothing apart from…

All Things Good

Lord, thank you that you created all things good and when your creation functions according to your design things work well. In the beginning, you created us male and female to work together in a way that builds one another…


Lord, we can be so shortsighted. Help us to see with your eyes all that you have done for us. Let us remember this day all you have done for all people everywhere. Let us remember that though our sins…