Marty Elwell

Marty Elwell


Lord, as our thoughts are the source of what we both say and do, help us to think about what we think about. May we be aware of the thoughts in our mind and whether or not they are pleasing…

As We Love Ourselves

Lord, you tell us that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. You don’t tell us to love ourselves as that is a given. Because we love ourselves we pursue what we think will bless and benefit…

This Day

Lord, this day as so many of the Psalmists did, we want to lift you up and praise your holy name. Lord, there is no God besides you. You alone are worthy of our worship and praise. Lord, first and…

Healing of Our Land

Lord, we pray for the healing of our land. We pray for hearts to be turned to you. We pray that you would be lifted up and honored in our country. We know that we are undeserving of your kindness,…

Beginning of Wisdom

Lord, you say in your word that the fear of you is the beginning of wisdom and that knowledge of you is understanding. Lord, if we fear you that means that we know who you are and understand our accountability…

Lay Down His Life

Lord, you say that greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. On this Veterans’ Day, we thank you for those who have served this country and for their willingness to lay…


Lord, there is an emptiness in our soul that can only be filled through a relationship with you. There is a longing for more, which causes us to pursue all kinds of things in the world that can never satisfy.…

Ideas We Believe

Lord, open our eyes to see clearly the ideas we believe that will take us off your path and lead to destruction. We recognize that your way is good, but we are inclined to want what is bad and will…

Lift Up The Men

Lord, I lift up the men in this world who are followers of you and called by your name. I pray for them to be strengthened by you and filled with your Spirit and truth so that they can lead…

None Other

Lord, my salvation is in you and none other. My hope is in you and none other. My life is in you and none other. Thank you that you are God. From everlasting to everlasting, you alone are God. There…