
Angels are faithful messengers of God.  A host of angels were the ones who announced Christ’s birth to the shepherds out in the field.  The angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that she had been favored by God and would become the mother of God’s Son.  In the Bible are many stories of angels appearing to people and speaking to them from God. You can look up angels in a concordance to find the stories in the Bible.

As Christians we want to be faithful messengers of God’s truth and love in the way we live our lives.  At Christmas we can make an even greater effort to share the truth of Christ’s birth with those who have not recognized their need for a savior.  We can be like the angels and use the traditions of the Christmas season and the sending of Christmas cards to be faithful messengers of what Christ’s coming means.

God, through human history,
has sent angels down to men.
They speak God’s words of truth,
with messages from him.
Sometimes they come in majesty,
in splendor and in might.
Sometimes they just come quietly
and help to set things right.

The night of Jesus’ birth
the angels came in glory,
Singing of the birth of Christ,
so shepherds heard the story.
As their presence filled the sky
and their praises did resound,
The shepherds were informed
where the baby could be found.

The shepherds were amazed
at the glory of the sight,
Learning the Messiah
was born in Bethlehem that night.
The angels at the manger scene
remind us of Christ’s birth,
That as a baby Jesus came
to live upon the earth.

Jesus is much greater
than the angels in the sky.
To him belongs all glory,
angels worship him on high.
Jesus is the Lord of all,
God’s one and only Son,
While angels are just messengers
to see God’s will be done.

When angels did rebel,
out of heaven they were cast.
From glory to disgrace,
some angels they have passed.
These are Satan’s messengers,
rebellion they have sown.
They blind the eyes of men,
so God’s glory can’t be known.

But if our hearts are open
to Christ the risen king,
We will hear God speaking
when a message angels bring.
We will see our Savior,
the Son of God above,
And we’ll receive the message
of redemption and his love.

When Jesus comes to earth again,
angels will come too.
Every eye will look on him,
and clearly see what’s true.
That day will come with power,
a demonstration of God’s might.
All men will see Christ’s glory
and be blinded by his light.

So now at Christmas when you hang
an angel on your tree,
Remember that God’s messengers,
angels are to be.
The first time Jesus came to earth,
his praises they did sing;
The second time with trumpets
they’ll present him as the king.