Actions Are Born

Lord, our actions are born out of the ideas we believe, the thoughts we hold on to and play in our mind. Thank you that you have laid out in your word what are right and true ideas. Thank you that when we fill our mind with your truth and believe what you say we act rightly and follow a good path.

Lord, help us to identify what thoughts are beneficial and what are destructive. Help us to weigh every idea against your truth. Help us to see clearly what ideas are inventions of men and are hollow and deceptive. May we see clearly the outcome of the ideas we hold on to.

Lord, anger and animosity result from holding wrong ideas about people and life and focusing on what is wrong rather than what is good You want us to do our part in fixing wrongs, but you don’t want us to be consumed by them. You tell us to think about what is good and lovely and excellent. You tell us to do what we can to build others up and live at peace with them.

Lord, we recognize that living by your truth is hard unless your Holy Spirit is living in us, leading and empowering us. Thank you that you have not left us alone to live on our own, but that you live within us so we can choose what is right.

Thank you Lord that life lived with you is good. It doesn’t mean that we won’t encounter difficulties and be beat down, but it does mean that you are with us in all circumstances and will see us through them. Enable us to cling to you and your truth when darkness seems to surround and defeat us.

Lord, please open our eyes so we see you and your truth clearly. Uncover our sin and the ideas we believe that are harmful so we can repent, be cleansed and be made right. Thank you that you came to give us life and give it abundantly. We love you Lord Jesus and thank you for all you have done.


Psalm 119:129-144