Acknowledging Your Existence – Prayer

Heavenly Father, Lord, we come before you acknowledging your existence. I know that this is some of the thoughts that many have thought about over and over again. But it’s always good for us to come back and appreciate you and be sure of your existence.

We have to willfully shut our eyes not to see you. We would have to literally shut our eyes to the truth. To truly deny Your existence we must suppress the truth. Just by looking at ourselves we can see that You exist. We exist, so You have to exist. There’s no way that I’m smart enough to create myself, and I don’t know anyone else that could put together this amazing machine and make it alive and make it able to reproduce.

Lord, I thank you, father, that even the evidence of my physical body is evidence of you but also my soul. Lord, the very things that I would long for. I long for right and wrong, I long for what is true. I want people to treat me well. All these things are also evidences of you. If you didn’t exist, there would be no sense of morality, there would be no sense of good and evil, Father. Lord, you are here and you are evident.

We just ask God that first of all, we would acknowledge you, and second of all, in our acknowledgement of you that we would submit to you and be blessed by being led by you. Lead us this day, Lord and may our thoughts be authored by you? May our deeds be authored by You and may anything that is in us that is not of you be dismissed as a result of our committing to you. In Christ’s name we pray…


Romans 1:18-20

Adapted from “God’s Fingerprint” sermon By Richard Elwell