A Higher Standard

Lord, one of your commandments from the Old Testament is “Do not murder,” but in the New Testament you give us a higher standard to live by. You tell us that if we just disparage our brethren and their humanity we will be subject to judgment. Lord, in a time when animosity towards others is given full vent, let us think about right responses to those we disagree with.

Lord, each human being is created in your image. Your desire is for each one of us to reflect your glory in the way respond to others and to you. May our response to others be a reflection of the kindness and grace you have shown to us even when we were your enemy. May we love our enemies as you love us.

Lord Jesus, we recognize the standard of behavior that you call us to is impossible to achieve on our own. Thank you that you gave your life to cover our transgressions and have given us your Holy Spirit so we have the understanding and power we need to live according to your truth.

May your truth be the guide for our lives. May we see how far short we fall of your desires for us and want to be made right. May we recognize where we try to justify our sin or make excuses for it. The punishment for sin is death and we thank you that you took that punishment for us when you died on the cross.

Lord, abortion is a curse on our land and both the action and the justification for it grieves your heart. It is evidence that our hearts are hard and our souls have been compromised. May we see the depth of our depravity in killing the unborn, repent of our sin, and be restored to you. Thank you that you have made restoration possible. Thank you that you will forgive us when we humble ourselves and confess our sins to you. Please bring healing to our souls and to our land.


Matthew 5:17-24